Alex - Why do you believe that people in the Christian faith want to enforce a lack of repentance? To clarify, why would they want people to stay stuck in a sin position? Who does that benefit?

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Maybe I missed it - but I tend to read all the Liberty Sentinels except when utterly overwhelmed. Missed what? Something I consider very important: giving major attention to the need to leave the UN. I'm thinking of Rima Laibow's passion for this issue - very justified, is my sense. WHO gets mentioned a lot - but that is, say, a very visible finger of the UN. Rima calls it a pimple on the ass of the UN. Anyway, the US has a chance to exit the UN - and that would, her sense, get the UN to shrivel and die - something I have wanted to see for over a dozen years. By the way, her petition is at: https://preventgenocide2030.org

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Great!!! Thank you. I'd forgotten or overlooked that article. Then, as this is from 3 months ago, maybe a reminder might be in order, that people pay attention to the urgency regarding exiting the UN . The American deadline to vote to get out is looming.

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I enjoy Alison Steinberg's wicked sense of humor.

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Big question is what will happen when Trump takes the reins geopolitically can he turn it around by making us energy independent.

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10 years my old ass. As we’ve seen so much of lately, anything written can be re-written. Of course we need a House that is at least less corrupt than the current one…

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