Thank you Mr. Newman for your incredible work. At first I thought the explosion in LGBTQ+ children in recent years was purely due to school indoctrination. However, I am beginning to think a 70+ shot vaccine schedule may be complicit as well in hormone suppression. RFK, jr. opined correctly that there has been very little research on the long-term affects of vaccines.

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Plus the gender-bending chemicals in our water, food and skin care products.

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Yes! I just watched an Elijah streams episode on rumble.com of Kim Robinson who is the Holy Spirit told she needs to work on exposing the FDA and all the chemical companies and the government for allowing those chemicals in our food air water soil cooking items clothing mattresses cleaning products feminine products toilet paper, you name it and they’re all hormone disruptors, endocrine disruptors, thyroid disruptors, testosterone blockers, and basically cause infertility in males and females, breast cancer, prostate cancers, thyroid issues and cancers, and so many other things. I plan to Pana letter tomorrow to the FDA to complain! God said he’s already stopped it in the heavenly realm and it’s time to come to the natural!

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It's a suicide cult. These people were tempted (through propaganda) to participate in a cult that makes it's members infertile through surgery and chemicals. It's part of depopulation agenda.

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Thank you for sending us the news that counts. I wondered how the athletes in Paris did with being surrounded by all the sick vibes. Now it turns out they were put under pressure to just survive. How they got through it is a tribute as high as their medals. I've been watching the Paralympics. They are conducting a soul-raising event. I am left with images of heroism. A man with no arms won the backstroke.

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They are welcoming in the new Sodium and Gomorra.

We all know how that turned out.

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That’s what they’re trying to do, but God has other plans. His plans do not include the evil ones! We will look for the evil ones and we will not be able to find them. Stay tuned this is coming soon!

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You are right.

That is the one thing that gives me strength in this fallen world is that God wins in the end and His righteous judgment will be carried out.

All we can do is warn others of that coming judgement day and how they can be prepared by sharing the Gospel of Christ with others that don’t personally know Him.

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JUST THINK: Had the constitutional framers (like their early 1600's predecessors) established government and society upon the Bible's immutable/unchanging triune moral law (including Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Deuteronomy 22:5, etc.), there would be no LGBTQ movement in America proselytizing America's children to their perverted lifestyle because no sodomite, lesbian, or "transgender" would dare risk exposing themselves (pun intended) to petition government for their "rights" or to parade their wares in public.

For more on how the Bible's triune and integral moral law (the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and judgments) apply and should be implemented as the law of the land, see free online book "Law & Kingdom: Their Relevance Under the New Covenant" at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.org/law-kingdomFrame.html

Then "A Biblical Constitution: A Scriptural Replacement for Secular Government."

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page "Primer" of "BL vs. USC."

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This is nothing but right-wing fear and hate mongering . It's impossible to "queer" a child or teenager . Or to make one desire to be the opposite sex . Human. sexual identity is innate . Every. person is born either heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual . Homosexuality is no more a "choice" then being left handed or. having green eyes . You cannot "make a young person gay " by teaching him or her about homosexuality and. that. it is. absolutely wrong and immoral to. mistreat. LGBTQ people in any way and that they should always be treated with respect .

Public schools are not trying to "indoctrinate" young people into becoming either gay or transgender . They are trying to teach them. about the evils of homophobic or anti- trans bigotry .

Saying that. you can "make "youngsters gay or trans is as ridiculous as saying you can become tall by spending time with tall people . And I happen to be a heterosexual man with. green eyes .

Fortunately, there is much less bigotry against gay people in America. than in the past. and. homosexuality is no longer stigmatized as much as it was in the past , but mindless fear and hatred of transgender people in rampant today , fostered by the anti-trans movement . In recent years, dozens of harmless transgender individuals have been murdered by bigots and. youngsters who identify as trans are subject to terrible bullying in school . Some have attempted suicide or. actually killed themselves .

Let's facer it ; bigotry is infinitely. more harmful to. LGBTQ people than they are to society .

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And I’m sure all those wackos from Harvard see absolutely nothing wrong with the statement that schools shape a child’s sexuality! Are they kidding? That is disgusting! Thank you for highlighting what complete whack jobs anyone that graduated from Harvard have become; not that they weren’t that way decades ago! The brainwashing has been going on for at least five decades and I witnessed it from the people that I know that graduated from HBS with MBA’s!

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