All these people -having an extreme reaction to Trump 'news'- are being played into their fake binary, polarizing camps. They're either anti- or pro- and good little cult-followers who stopped thinking. They merely regurgitate the headlines from 'their' media. How about Trump is neither. He is selected. The powers that shouldn't be simply thought he was the better option to usher in further restrictions on freedom and increasing digital technocratic control. Look beyond the circus clowns. Stop being played. Start THINKING again. Take personal and local responsibility. Stop behaving as avatars/NPC's and start treating each other as humans again.

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... agreed, here's the latest... https://www.bitchute.com/video/TUV8oUaE2kJJ ... here's a snippet from the description beneath the video... 'Within the interview Waltz makes sure the collective NATO "west" get the unity message about U.S-Ukraine policy: "Jake Sullivan and I have had discussions, we've met," Waltz says in the interview. "For our adversaries out there that think this is a time of opportunity, that they can play one administration off the other, they are wrong. We are hand in glove. We are one team with the United States in this transition."'...

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Wow Alex! Thanks so much for bringing this vital, grotesque, completely wicked agenda to our attention! We won't be able to change it, but we can pray that God protects innocent young minds from this twisted, sick propaganda!

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The brain washing continues to be the order “disorder” of the day.

I am really starting to wonder if there are any sane people in leadership positions left ????

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Is the UN building 100% powered by solar or wind? The lifestyle of the officials at the UN is completely dependent on Fossil energy. This whole nonsense is if the people are stupid enough to buy what they are selling, they will keep marketing it.

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Thank you for collecting these stories. The Green Agenda is the #1 Psyop remaining, I think they will put all their eggs into that basket

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Trump’s new UN Ambassador Elise Stefanik’s new favorite words needs to be “Nyet!”

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... great reporting on Cop 29 Alex!... i wish folk would cop on...

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