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I'm in South Africa, born nearly 69 years ago. My family members are uncomfortable with this step by Trump. Threats are coming in the direction of whites from some quarters, but there's also a degree of understanding. "Afrikaners" is a term that refers to white people whose mother tongue is Afrikaans. The discrimination against them applies equally to English speaking white folks, but Trump's invitation does not cover them. The ANC has created a new racist system in the workplace which is just horrible. All government agencies must adhere to and enforce employment equity principles. In any department there must be an employment equity plan which breaks down the staff according to gender, race and post level. In case of appointments and promotions a register is kept at hand and even if a particular candidate is far better than any other, that person will not be appointed if a candidate with the required profile has been found to be at least appointable. The president opened a door but we can't afford to go to the US with our currency. Furthermore, he referred to us as a shithole country during his first term but the US is an absolute cesspool of corruption, mismanagement and the citizenry is divided along multiple ideological lines. Farmers are under attack from several quarters, crime is high, the food is unhealthy and billionaire criminals seem to be hell-bent on making life difficult for the ordinary person. We are used to our senior officials getting away with terrible crimes and in the US it is no different. We don't have elite criminals like Fauci, Soros and Gates but in the US these men are walking around as free men. Perhaps Pres Trump should use diplomatic or other channels to share his frustrations about South Africa. I think part of his issue with us is the ANC's support for Hamas and us having gone to the International court. Trump's close relations and his obvious affection for Israel is perplexing. The Israelis are busy with a genocide in Gaza and probably under the influence of evangelical christians, he believes that the Jews are God's chosen people. He is so wrong about that. Someone needs to sit down with that president and share God's Word with him.

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As just a small reply about "Jews," yes, he is protecting Jews. I doubt though, that he is aware that in the Bible, there are real Jews and those who call themselves "Jews," but are not, but are of the Synagogue of Satan. Not sure, but it may be that the Torah is real and the Talmud is satanic, as it mirrors closely, the Koran, and its filth. The other consideration, is that the borders of Israel, biblically, are much larger than what they possess now. Biblical borders cut Iaq in half, take 1/3 of Saudi Arabia and touch Iran at one point. So, Biblically speaking, those WILL be Israel's borders at some point in time. Until then, it's a quandary, What is a Jew? Those NW perverts found with an underground tunnel, being hauled out by police, with a bloody child-sized mattress—pretty sure those were of the "Synagogue of Satan."

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NY, not NW.oops

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I totally agree with Ollie.

I’m told that the Jewish billionaire Nathan Kirsten is the main source of funding the genocide of the Christian Afrikaners. I quite believe this is true as you follow the source of money throughout the world - of wars, world wars, regime changes, genocides, establishments of tyranny and “occupied” countries. Lots of land grabs going on everywhere. The United States is not the place to seek refuge unless you want to help us take back our own country. You need to fight like hell to save your South Africa as it was originally established those 400 years ago. We need to do the same here but we are limp and weak. I am no longer perplexed about our 47th president. It is quite obvious where his loyalties lay. Just look at who is truly in control of the world. God have mercy on us all!

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The correct name of that billionaire is Nathan Kirsh

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The Jews are God's Chosen people. Jesus Christ was a Jew, and he is the only way to Heaven.

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Hello Deloris, those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior are the true Jews. You and me, if you accept Him. Many Jews actually despise Him. I have seen video footage in which they spit on Christians who visit Jerusalem and in others they state blatantly that Christians should be killed. I read Matthew 11:25 tonight where Jesus says that who He is (Messiah) and what He has done (miracles) will be hidden from those with an attitude. With the coming of Christ, God opened the gates of His Kingdom to all people who accept the Messiah. The Jews to this day reject Jesus and His followers. He says about the citizens of Bethsaida, Kapernaum, Tirus, Sidon etc who saw His miracles that it will be better for the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah at the time of Judgement Day because they had not seen or experienced Jesus, even though they committed terrible sins. Scripture spells out clearly who His people are, and it's not those that reject Him.

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Sen the black democrats to Africa and the black voters

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The powers that should not be Killed Dr rashid Abutar & now who Interviewed his also died as he predicted. He lived in Charlotte NC, he was close to release more info & they called him to interview him. I wish he did not go. He cured so many people that was AUTISTIC. Drew Griffing was also expendable as ALL OF FAKE MEDIA is.


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Hi Alex, can you please look int Trump giving a green light on vaxing our Chickens? I feel that that is a betrayal to hummanity specially here in the US. We dont want any kind of vaxes...seems as if since his Warp Speed could not reach all of us, they have to do it via OUR FOOD? The more I look at details the more I see he is one of them. Depopulation Agenda. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-grants-conditional-clearance-zoetis-bird-flu-vaccine-poultry-2025-02-14/

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The information from the top of this page is absolutely true, but probably only the tip of the iceberg. Having been born in South Africa, educated, worked and brought up our children here, we still consider it a beautiful place. However, that only goes as far as nature is concerned. What Alex Newman is stating here is something most of us have been concerned about for many years. Unfortunately, due to corruption, greed and mismanagement the children of satan, those who call themselves a government, have changed this into a shithole - there isn't a better expression than that. Our oldest children managed to get out and live carefree lives in the US. My wife and I were fortunate to visit them last year and both of us would resettle there given the opportunity. Our youngest children left here six months ago for NZ and have vowed never to return. We can't blame people who find a better life elsewhere, as this country offers nothing it did more than 30 years ago. No country will ever be without its problems and no government is without its shortcomings, but if the top structure is strong enough, the damage can be minimalised. In South Africa the top structure IS the corruption.

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