Repentance and going back to Biblical truths in teaching is the only thing that is going to save this country from total collapse and destruction. Many examples of such are given in the Bible itself.

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Over the last few years, I have grown in my faith. Years back, I stopped attending a Catholic church, which I started to attend less frequently and stopped going to. I now attend a Bible based Christian church. This change has helped me in my personal life. It has also given me some clarity to what is going on. It is helping me put things in God's hands.

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Love the text on the Reverends shirt: "Racism is not a color. It's a sin." Abortion is eugenics. Not just against unborn babies and women in poor neighbourhoods but also an entire industry is evolved around the testing and selectively aborting of babies with Down syndrome, who are deemed 'unfit'.

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Thanks to the First-Commandment violating, polytheism-enabling First Amendment, this means that the Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and even Satanists have just as much "right" to do the same with their religious laws.

To be opposed to any of these religious groups being granted the same access to the public schools while at the same time endorsing the First Amendment is the height of hypocrisy.

To begin with, To promote or defend the First Amendment's religious freedom is to be guilty of violating the First Commandment. Religious Freedom and Christian Liberty are NOT the same thing. In fact, Christian Liberty (aka biblical dominion) was sacrificed on the altar Religious Freedom.

Without the parameters of the Bible’s moral law, the First Amendment has proven to be a toxic brew. For example, Amendment 1 condemns the prohibition of speech, whether spoken or written. Does the Bible provide for free speech or does it limit speech? What about freedom of speech and freedom of the press as it concerns Yahweh Himself? Does God grant us freedom to curse Him or blaspheme His name?

On the other hand, freedom of speech and freedom of the press is used to provide protection for those who promote false religions, in utero infanticide, sodomy, drug abuse, violence, obscenities, and other abominations condemned by Yahweh.

The provision in Amendment 1 for United States citizens to assemble peaceably appears innocuous. But is it harmless to give sodomites, infanticide advocates, and Satanists the right to assemble peaceably? If you are a proponent of the Constitution and a defender of Amendment 1, you must also champion the rights of such criminals and anti-Christians to assemble and promote their wicked agendas.

Homosexuals and infant assassins claim freedom of speech and the right to assemble to combat Christians who speak out or assemble against these heinous people and their brazen debauchery. By labeling what Christians do as hate crimes, these immoral people are able to employ Amendment 1 against Christians speaking and/or assembling against these atrocities.

According to the Bill of Rights, it is the alleged religious right of these sodomites, baby killers, and Satanists to use Amendment 1 against Christians.

For more, see Chapter 11 "Amendment 1: Government-Sanctioned Polytheism" of free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective" at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.ORG/BlvcOnline/blvc-index.html

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