If we don’t have real personal land ownership, we won’t have real personal freedom.

Seems to me that’s their overall perspective and goal.

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One move after the other.

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2119 dams intentionally destroyed in the USA since the 1920’s… ( American Rivers)

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From: American Policy Center

Our freedoms are under assault from every direction. We face lying, corrupt politicians that are backed by rich and powerful corporations and international forces like the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.

And they control over 20,000 non-governmental organizations that are flooding our local and state legislative bodies to push the enforcement of their anti-freedom polices. You know some of them – The Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy, American Planning Association. They are all operating in your community today.

Farmers are being intimidated to give up their land needed to grow our food just so these power forces can bury it under worthless wind and solar farms. In the cities family homes are on the chopping block.

It’s all designed to eliminate private property – the number one tool for maintaining freedom. Is it any wonder private property protection is always the first target of tyranny?

Wind and solar are a huge part of the plan. Mayors across the country are under massive pressure to take federal money to enforce wind and solar projects to replace your electric grid. That is a disaster in the making.

Food, Fuel, Housing, Energy, Transportation, and our money supply — all targets that will lead to total control.

And if they steal this upcoming election, then what do we do? Give up?

I know we are all scared. Many feel overwhelmed and don’t believe we can stop these forces of tyranny. They are rich, powerful, and determined to enforce their agenda.

My greatest fear is that too many of us will simply surrender and let them take it all. Many think “what choice will we have?”

Of course, if Trump wins, we will have opportunity to move forward. But we will still have a huge mess to clean up. And we will have to fight against these massive forces that will refuse to give up. They rarely back down.

If Harris grabs the brass ring, that’s when so many will be paralyzed into inaction.


Let me share some facts with you. Here are several fights that are being waged right now across the nation while Biden and Harris are in power.

As you know, I’ve worked hard with local activists to stop the Carbon Capture Pipeline threatening Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Nebraska. There are powerful corporations determined to push it through. And they are using every trick in the book to win.

Those corporations have worked to intimidate farmers into giving up their land. And they have bribed politicians to play ball with them.

But the local activists are applying strong pressure on state legislators and county supervisors to protect their property. They are starting to win some battles — and the corporations fear they can lose this massive plan……


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That must be the real reason for wanting to remove the dams on the Snake river.

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Out in COW country (California, Oregon and Washington) it's been open season on farmers and ranchers since the 1980s. In Oregon, state bureaucrats doing the dirty work of Big Ag have created rules and regulations so onerous many small family farms and ranches are in serious jeopardy and may not survive. Unelected, unaccountable leftist bureaucrats in state and federal government agencies bowing to powerful lobbyists need to be reined in by legislators who have the authority, but lack the courage, to actually represent the interests of their constituents.

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TA DA! Here’s a PLAYBOOK example of Eco Fascism: ⭐️ Starring ⭐️ the imaginary endangered species, the hysterical activists, the compliant corporate giants, the colluding Communist politicians, the Gnostic priests of ‘the (pseudo) science’ in academia, the reputation shredding of an entire industry and attacks on dissent-aka- the real science… What a script! What a cast!

Coming soon for a job you have.


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You HAVE to read ECO-FASCISTS by Elizabeth Nickson. The pernicious environmental movement plays a major role in every ruthless attack on domestic populations.

(Elizabeth featured 2 or 3 chapters from her book on her ‘welcome to absurdistan’ Substack.

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