I hate to admit I don't care about what happens in Romania, but... Mike Benz was screeching about Romania most of last week on his X feed ahead of your headline here. I'm not the only person who is not okay with the Tate brothers coming back to America to wait out their Romanian due process. Pray they won't choose human trafficking during Trump's government here stateside.

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The NWO will go forward. The Bible says so. By our perception though, it looks to be speeding up one year and slowing down the next when certain leaders get elected, but the fact is God has always had a predetermined time for when the NWO rules and He's putting leaders in place to work the mechanics of it all. A perfect example is Trump's win. It certainly does look like the NWO is on pause, but consider the things that Trump is working on per God's order. First, Trump is working on the creation of the NAU (Noth American Union) also known as a zone or kingdom. He wants to bring Greenland into the fold albeit for military strategic reasons, and it's looking like the Greenlandians agree. So, the NAU will consist of North America, Canada and Greenland... one zone.

Second, and God knew Trump was gonna partner with Musk and do this... the creation of STARGATE. Stargate is a $500 billion investment in AI to create custom-designed mRNA 'vaccines' for everyone in the world. So, it seems to me that since God knew this was going to happen and is allowing it, it must be a necessary element in jumpstarting the beast system. See? Nothing is speeding up or slowing down, everything is moving right along as per God's divine plan.

Brothers and sisters, we are seeing all the mechanics in the works for the events of the worst 7 years of human history. Be grateful to Almighty God we won't be here to see how it plays out.

If you're reading this and you don't know Jesus, now's a good time to get on it. Tomorrow is not promised.

You can read about Stargate here...


And listen here...


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I'm a christian brother, also watching things unfold with interest. I'm not going to get into an argument, but if you have been duped into believing that, when things are about to get really bad, you'll be raptured, you're in for a surprise. There's nothing like that. You and your loved ones will experience all of the hardships that await humanity. I make the remark so that you can prepare spiritually. Read Scripture objectively. 🙌

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Over the years I have heard people, Christian claimants, attempt to coordinate and engineer Jesus' Christ second coming themselves by massaging anti-Christ policy in secular government. If that's you, you had better check yourself before you wreck yourself. You cannot do God's job better than Him. If you think this depends on your performance for Satanic results, you're working for the other side, I'm afraid. Your screed reads like the Scooby Doo villain explaining how the kids in the funny hippy van foiled his plot.

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I don't need to 'check myself' coz I know what I'm talking about, and I'm not saying anything is written in stone as you insinuate. I don't try to coordinate or engineer anything regarding the Lord. I'm not that stupid. My entire comment is pure speculation based on the events unfolding, nothing more. I guess you didn't know that Jesus is okay with that. It's called staying sharp in Biblical studies as He commands. But since you seem to have a problem with this, looks like you need to get to Bible studyin' with the newspaper in the other hand.

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Is speculation your shield? I can still see you.

I don’t bear burden to prove the second coming. Jesus doesn’t even know. Only the Father knows.

Do you plan on charging a tourist fee for your rabbit hole tour? Caveat emptor. I’m just not going to indulge it.

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Nice, then I can assume that you will be silent in the future?

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Psyops are a government desk job. I don't work for the government.

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