Only 3 out of 4 are dissatisfied with public education!! Amazing!

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Do not believe any pole. Lol.

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That’s so true Alex!

BTW thank you for all you do!

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One of the good things that resulted from the plan- demic is that parents found out how rotten their kids indoctrination programs are.

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Woke insanity was revealed.

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The US Dept of Education has been terminated !!!

So now towns and communities can educate their children how they want!

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The Department of Education has not been ended as of February 20, though President Trump has repeatedly said he would be interested in doing so. We hope he does!

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The Deep State will judo a way to stay and rebuild over time. We need to think long-term. Act with memory and conviction to see it through.

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Makes sense, plus who can blame us?

A take of mine a few days back.

A Letter for the U.S. Department of Education: Make the American Youth Smart Again. No parent approves of sending their son to school to learn how to be a girl. https://torrancestephensphd.substack.com/p/return-to-sender-a-letter-for-the

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The USA has the most expensive, worst-performing students. The communist needs compliant stupid morons. Government education is the factory that churns out woke activists. The long march through the institutions is still marching. This is the Suicide of the West.

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When millions of children arent americans but foreign illiterate parasites, they bring down the others

who ARE americans and literate!

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Education... Here are some insights about fertility and reversing infertility with a special section on the vaxx connection.


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