Atta boy, Alex! Keep up the good work. These Luciferian Lefties have to bow to the real power of the universe at least until we leave the planet.

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That video was amazing. Keep up the good work.

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Ms Fleming, You nor the UN DO NOT "Own The Science" ! BTW if you gather in Our Country, We Have the Rights to Our Constitution, especially Free Speech!! You should go to some other Country and have your NO FREEDOMS meetings!!!! The only "distortion" is the UN and defiance to GOD'S Creation! Pray, Pray, Pray and God Help US All!

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I am reading the stuff from the Summit of the Future. It is very arrogant to say the least. I also want another Prime Minister. Yet, I suspect there are now many globalist spokes people out there.

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That the UN has enough backing to think it can get away with this is scary.pass or fail they will NOT give up on their agenda

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You're awesome, Alex! You had the little lizard squirming to get away from your questions. Thank you for all that you are doing to expose these Luciferians.

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