All implementation of the Globalist’s Master Plan.

The Bilderberg Group is the controlling puppet-masters to actualize the Globalist’s quest for a One-World NWO. Their first task was the creation of a European Union. The Trilateral Commission was tasked with the creation of a North American Union and an Asia Pacific Union. Then all three “Tri” Unions would be merged into a One-World Union.

Learn all about it from Patrick Wood’s website:


Books by Patrick Wood and Antony C. Sutton:

Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order and Trilaterals Over Washington.

The Trilateral Commission:



The Bilderberg Group:


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Thanks for all the links. What you said all makes sense. Yes, the Bilderberg Group!

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Note: There is no African Union or South American Union. Those areas are to be depopulated and then harvested of their natural resources.

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Could this be a reason for all of the migrations from the South to the North: the depopulation of Africa and South America?

Don’t underestimate the evil machinations conjured-up by the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy in the Bilderberg Group and at the British Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House)!

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This is Major news Alex. Sounds prophetic in nature,for a 10 regional reign of the antichrist.

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This will definitely make Jeff Berwick and all the others who fled to Mexico very happy… :-(

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I appreciate your work and the information you share in a way that shows the cause and effect of actions taken.

I also appreciate your input on Brannon Howse Live. Always love it when you are in the lineup.

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Alex Jones explains the origins of the North American Union and Bilderberg Group and Trilateral Commission in his documentary:

Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement


Watch the documentary: 1932


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Thought the 3 Amigos got together last January and Biden signed onto the Declaration of North America (DNA)’ with Canada and Mexico :and kind of discussed this. Definitely a losing proposition for the U.S.. So hence Biden would probably be interested. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

For more info on Declaration of North America (DNA)’ with Canada and Mexico see an article I linked by Leo Hohmann on 01/16/23. Also see the Image For The Day on that day as well - https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/2023/01/16/70944/

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