Alex, please look into JD Vance and the ties to Peter Thiel. We are being played. This is like when it was Bush and Gore, both New World Order men. It doesn't matter who one votes for, they are both selected. Notice Trump is saying the Golden Age. I think it's no coincidence that Alice Bailey taught that phrase also and these people follow this Luciferean teaching. I think it would be most helpful if you could understand this. Patrick Wood and Leo Hohmann also spoke about this and Whitney Webb (non Christian but at least she understands this part of it). The Wretched Watchman did a video called The Trump Card and clearly documented the information. Also Dr JB Hixon clearly sees this. It's both parties not just the one side. I am praying God shows you.

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Trump made the political equivalent of a drug deal. In picking Vance, he gained access to the world of Thiel, David Sacks, and a host of other tech bazillionaires. The tradeoff, as you mention, is what comes with Thiel, mostly his company that is in bed with the surveillance state.

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Trump is controlled opposition, controlled by the uniparty. The inexplicable nonsensical Kwame KilPatrick pardon is all you need to know.

We actually have no one on our side.


READ COMMENTS versus (we)blog entry severely ignorant sycophantism.


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Perhaps this is the time when people need to be reminded that Dem voters summarily rejected Kamala in 2020. She did not gain a single delegate. Not one. It was one of her own, Tulsi Gabbard, who shone the light on Kamala's habit as DA of warehousing black men on petty drug crimes and often using them as near-slave labor. In other words, Dems were given every opportunity to get behind Kamala and they slammed the door in her face.

The party then foisted her on its voters, and the rest of us, because Joe limited the VP search to minority women. What a sad testament to a once-proud party that a half-wit like Harris was the only serious option within that category. Maybe it's too bad that Elizabeth Warren was exposed as a fake Indian. I am not a fan of hers, but Warren is not known mostly for cackling and pointless word salads reminiscent of a bong fest that may be funny if one is stoned, but alarming when one considers how close to power she is.

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They are so good at turning lies into truth and truth into lies which turns into reality for many.

When anything comes out of their mouths I suspect the opposite to be the truth.

Trust but Verify

How about Verify then Trust (but not completely)

Thanks Alex for being in the Trust category and being a watchman on the wall.

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Is she a Trojan horse? I see her as fairly blatant, unlike the Trojan horse when presents as what it is not.

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All she has is sexism/racism, which last I heard was not a policy. But Demokkkrats and racism are inseparable am I right?

Here is a Historical Account of The Negative Impact of Democrat Party Rule, Dominance and Policy on Black America. https://shorturl.at/52NYx

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"Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able MEN, such as fear God, MEN of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers...." (Exodus 18:21)

"As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." (Isaiah 3:12)

"But I suffer not a woman to ... to usurp authority over the man...." (1 Timothy 2:12)

This is not to say that the men in positions of civil leadership are any more biblically qualified than are today's women - they're not.

You can thank Article 6's Christian test ban (by which mandatory biblical qualifications were likewise eliminated) on both counts.

For more regarding Article 6's Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 "Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land" of free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective" at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.ORG/BlvcOnline/biblelaw-constitutionalism-pt9.html

Then Chapter 28 "Amendment 19: The Curse of Women's Suffrage."

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