Great investigatory reporting Alex!

I read through the Conference Brochure for the Intl Bird Flu Summit in Washington DC in October. It reads like a sci-fi movie, it is Cvd tyranny on steroids!

Thank you for continuing to share your knowledge, love and hope in Jesus Christ.

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“What Paid Subscribers Are Saying”

Could not agree more.

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We find ourselves in the middle of another "health" lie - which is why I am a big proponent of calling out the COVID-lie every single chance I get. When I hear someone say "due to COVID" or "due to the pandemic", I fire back with "you mean during the unconstitutional lockdowns" or "you mean due to governmental and medical tyranny?". Now we are in the middle of yet another lie. And like the most secure election in history lie, and like the COVID lie, I won't stand for it and I will call it out - which is what I am doing now. The Bird Flu lie is starting to ramp up. We have seen mode-RNA granted nearly $200MM of our tax dollars to generate a "vaccine" to fight "Bird Flu" - which is yet another robbing of the American Taxpayer and yet another health-fraud. There’s absolutely nothing to fear except fear itself. Familiar ring, eh? We have a century+ of published clinical experimentation which has failed to demonstrate that, whatever the causes of acute respiratory illnesses, they are NOT CONTAGIOUS. In no case, when a healthy person (“recipient”) was asked to remain in close proximity for hours to a person unwell with a predetermined illness (“donor”), did the recipient healthy person go on to develop the same symptoms. Just to be clear, here “the recipient people didn’t develop similar symptoms to those of the donor people at a frequency greater than when two healthy people shared the same space for the same period of time”. Researches have sought evidence of transmission, aka contagion, and failed to find it, study after study, from 1918 to the present day. Some investigators very recently made the same kind of attempt to see if healthy recipients would “catch covid19”, or whatever that syndrome was, that caused the donors here to be unwell. In that study, too, the healthy recipients did not become unwell. We must recognize that many people will reject this evidence. They’ll cast around reasons why the conclusions must be invalid. They do that because many people are “sure” that they’ve definitely “caught” colds or the flu from sick people or that they’ve “infected” others in the same manner. The evidence shows that this doesn’t happen. I’m not commenting on contagion generally. Right now, I suggest we focus only on the type of illness being used to crush our freedoms and medical autonomy. Diversionary discussions aren’t helpful. It might be helpful in making a mental transition to be aware of some possible alternative explanations. 1. Acute respiratory illnesses are really quite common. I experience a couple of colds annually. Flu, extremely rarely. Being commonplace, consider how likely it is that one might develop a cold over the next couple of weeks. It’s not that low a probability. If one does, they have been trained to cast their mind back. They may recall a person with similar symptoms, they may well conclude they caught it from them. How many occasions did anyone have such encounters, yet not go on to develop a cold? It would be fair to ask that question. I think we rarely notice when we don’t “catch a cold”. Here, the explanation proposed is coincidence of two, not uncommon things. 2. People do become unwell with acute respiratory symptoms. There’s no argument against that, only it’s cause. Whatever the cause is, imagine there’s an environmental or other shared component (like diet, or even genetics). You develop a cold and someone you live with or work with shortly afterwards also goes down with a cold. While it’s entirely understandable that you both conclude it was passed between you, here I’m proposing that you both developed the same kind of illness because of shared environmental factors. 3. We have this mental model of causation of acute respiratory illnesses. We’re told they’re due to submicroscopic, infectious particles called “viruses”. But if they’re not the cause, what might be? I cannot say for certain, but I do now there is a derangement of the regulation of airway surface liquid and associated mucus and the mucocilary escalator mechanism which normally keeps our airways in good order. What changed? What caused the mechanisms to be deranged? Changes in temperature, humidity, various solutes and salts, are hypothesised to trigger an inflammatory response & it’s this that we notice as “a cold”. In this hypothetical model, if you’re run down, stressed and don’t have time to attend to your bodily clues and cues, you are more likely to develop all sorts of syndromes. The bottom line is, we are once again being lied to. This time, the phrase of choice is chicken influenza. Ditto cow flu. Just laugh at them and point out to others, this sounds the same sort of lying & catastrophising that we heard in early 2020. It was mad and illogical for the events that followed the fraud that was "COVID" to have happened. None of it happened by luck. There was an agenda to amplify whatever it was for malign/evil motives. The same thing appears to be happening again. Oddly enough, it’s precisely the same cast of characters as last time. The problem I saw is that not enough people, like me, stood up against the tyranny. Please don’t give in to fear. Please fight the lie(s). Speak the truth. And when the lie is presented, CRUSH IT by pointing out the lie and bringing facts/truth.

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It was not COVID tyranny - it was BASELESS tyranny. There is no such thing as a COVID-19 virus. A fictitious virus that has never been purified and for which, to this day, NO DIAGNOSTIC TEST has EVER existed!

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No one in the UK will take these. Who in their right mind will take the syringe from the lock you up for dissenting with the government.

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