A very good documentary! In fact I encourage everyone to watch all the documentaries done by Epoch Times. They are very well researched and full of information.

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"to undermine the nation-state and Christendom"… Oh just undermine. So nothing to worry here… Although, perhaps it is a bit more than that: https://coronistan.blogspot.com/2024/05/putins-afrikanische-killer-begehen.html

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Life can be broken down into an emotional tone scale. Higher on the scale you have joy and happiness and knowledge of correct action. The scale goes down through the lower tones of antagonism, hostility and hate . . . which are higher than the even lower tones of fear, grief and apathy. This scale is so useful when viewing peoples actions that I recommend everyone look it up.

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To The Complaint Dept.

Hi Alex, I have your explosive book, "Crimes of the Educators" and highly respect your reporting.

You know that this information in the pay-to-watch Epoch Times documentary MAY be (I am not a subscriber so I can't give my review) vital information for U.S. citizens. So, I'm writing to criticize the money men at Epoch Times. They send occasional free newspapers to citizens. Why can't they offer this documentary free, too?

Meanwhile, for readers to understand the origin of the mass migration juggernaut, I offer my Substack post which has gotten plenty of views. It's free. It includes an historic and terrifying 20-minute documentary of the 2015, "With Open Gates," the unforgettable mass migration into Europe; the history of Count Coudenhove-Kalergi which I found from three sites; and a short statement by an Israeli operative which explains why it's necessary in the minds of globalists. It's informative to comprehend that Europeans are way more informed about this plan than Americans.

Replacement Migration: Hidden History of Count Coudenhove-Kalergi's Plan


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