Many people do not realize that a county's legal and political power lies in the hands of its sheriff! Where I live, we have three fantastic Sheriffs from three different counties within a one-hundred-mile radius who take charge of law and order: Sheriffs Rick Staley from Flagler County, FL, Mike Chitwood from Volusia County, FL, and Grady Judd from Polk County, FL.

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It Is Generational, my 2 oldest daughters were born in the 50's they comprehend that deception of JFK, RFK, MLK. Both of of my daughters seem to accept the lesser of two evils. I do not, nor do I accept any infringement upon my unalienable rights. I have a BAR attorney Granddaughter that will only speak with me about her daughters. Keep on Keepin on I'll get there... Sheriffs right??

So, Gretchen are you in a Jural Assembly? It seems to be that those with the titles of nobility are deeper into the de facto and more willing to accept the punishment of the Medical board or pseudo ethics board of the Big Pharma MD loop of the Josef Mengele school of Medicine. We thought it was coming from the BAR / military / LEO.

The Sheriff with a proper oath to the proper Constitutions with Laws of Nature and of Nature's God included, a de jure County Executive. The office of Sheriff must be occupied by a body, mind, spirit, flesh, blood, soul man or woman with their bona fides in order in the de jure original jurisdiction of jura summi imperii.

Yes! We, meaning all of us, should be opposed to the de facto ( page 416 Black's 6th de jure is defined also ) as it is illegal or illegitimate. It self corrects when the Sheriff takes a proper oath to the proper Constitutions with God included. When that office is occupied by a de jure man or woman then law instead of color of law will move across the land and soil. www.orsja.org

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Checkout Tucker Carlson’s interview with Michael Yon and his insightful revealing of all of the mass migrations occurring around the world, and what China is concocting.


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