I don’t think the author Charlie Kirk, has ever watched porn???

It is so simplistic to say……

“young men in particular must stop watching porn and work on being a leader that women would want to marry”.

Is he not listening to the experts and does he not know that watching porn is as addictive as heroin and once hooked it is extremely difficult for them to stop and suffice it to say that a chaste young woman is hardly going to satisfy a porn addicted stud!!!!

The problem has to be stopped BEFORE it starts, once started it may be impossible to stop! Soon there will be a need for porn rehab in the same numbers as Alcoholics Anonymous!!!

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Unfortunately, Charlie Kirk sees to be the ship that goes whichever direction the wind blows. His upcoming "Believer's Summit" is filled with apostates and NAR preachers while 180 degrees on the other side has Calvin Robinson, who I highly respect.

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Charlie Kirk is almost there on some points but he is uncertain why we need to have just society. The reason is we ask for the restoration of our society that "the times being made peacable" will help us to bring more souls to God. He is correct in us not having outcome based thinking, but the reason is that our ego's and pride become attached to the "win". When all victory belongs to Jesus Christ. Wokeism does want to destroy everything because it is classic Communist "and class warfare" not just a thing to itself.: while being divided and stuck on issues, people are easy to manipulate. Wokeism is not the new religion , it is only the substrate to catalyze SDG's, which are the new world religion. The Book of Judith (Douay-Rheims Bible) is a good guide to our present situation. A simple message for Christians would be to learn humility as Christ said "Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls." Thank you for another great show Alex and for all your hard work.

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https://email.cloud2.secureclick.net/c/5961?id=12240682.6327.1.f76a671c1d5efa692ebff26ef41c0238 Here's a pastor leading the charge for bringing Christ back to the church while exposing the corrupted left agenda. See you all tonight

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