Now is the time to learn all of the history that the Fake News Media and Liberal Progressive Education System don’t want you to know about.


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Thanks Alex Both Situations are equally important as Elections that are rigged & stolen are evil with in .

The second video on total control & the persecution of mainly the Christian Faith is no doubt coming as the Bible tells us so .

Just As The Bible Tell Me Jesus Loves Me. How Glorious Is That

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To achieve real freedom (from wars and to live in peace) we will need a "new UN" designed to end war, eliminate nuclear weapons, and protect our rights such as freedom of speech, association, etc. The current UN's Charter is wrong, favoring Bully nations like the US , UK and Russia. They function above the Law. The US, to our shame, violates international Law more than any other nation. Hence, we, the people remain with a bad health care system, with lack of affordable housing, and with a manipulative media often lying to the America people. A new UN under the Earth Constitution is democratic, and is designed to protect our freedoms. The current UN is undemocratic and unable to protect our basic human rights being slowly taken away by a corrupted government.

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Those globalists that would censor your right to free speech are NEVER the good guys.

Great essay. To me I see a dichotomy between the Dialectic and the Hegelian Dialectic. The Greek Dialectic sought to find truth and led to the scientific method. The Hegelian Dialectic (HD) seeks to destroy the truth under the guise of Post Modernism and is inextricable from Marxism. So the "new truth" of the HD is used to nudge public opinion in a direction suitable for implementing Marxist or Globalist agendas. So today we have "Climate Change" which is a big fat lie: there is no Anthropogenic Climate Change. But it serves to push forward the Global Climate Agenda: Carbon Taxes, 15 Minute Cities, Smart Cities, Net Zero Carbon sequestration etc. Another example can be found in the Marxist push for identity politics (intended to divide us) and the LGBTQ agenda (intended to destroy the social fabric). Since the Frankfurt School (1920's) the HD has been used to push the LGBTQ agenda which serves the purpose of destroying the nuclear family, making us all more susceptible to state control and dependency.

In my last essay I wrote about the "kill switches," scheduled to go into all new cars beginning in 2026. It illustrates the unending strategy -- of HD, Marxism, Globalism -- to increasingly control human behavior in a centralized manner. This centralization of control can also be seen in the globalist push for Digital Currency (CBDC's) and the WHO Pandemic Treaty. None of these topics are discussed by Globalist Corporate Media (MSNBC, CNN, FOX) because they are complicit and don't want the public sensitized to these unfolding agendas. As the saying goes "to be forewarned is to be for armed." They incessantly pacify the public with meaningless commentaries that are actually intended to keep us uninformed. Thankfully, despite this, people are waking up.

Gaslighting: The Psychology of Shaping Another’s Reality or How Mass Perception is Manufactured




Please share widely. When you buy a new car, in 2026, it will come with a mandatory "kill switch" which will allow the government to remotely disable your car. You can thank Debbie Dingell, most of the Democrat party and 19 Republicans for that. If it is not yet obvious the government wants to control every aspect of your life.

Like most Democrats Debbie Dingell is a globalist "true believer," who blindly supports the WHO, the UN and most of the policies contained within Agenda21 and Agenda 2030. Sadly many of the Republicans are also globalist "true believers," as I will disclose in this essay. The reason most Americans are unaware of this reality is because Globalist Corporate Media (MSNBC, CNN, FOX etc.) rarely talk directly about globalism or the many interlinked planks of the globalist agenda. Instead they maintain this false dichotomy that most issues divide between conservative and progressive ideologies.

Representative Debbie Dingell: Globalist Witch from the North

BRUCE CAIN, DEC 30, 2023


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