The plan is to destroy the West with the energy madness.

""Green" energy is a scam. It's not supposed to work.

…In truth, the sustainable green energy enslavement network is a fraud from top to bottom. But it is not simply a pipe dream sold to a gullible and ignorant public. It's even worse. It is a carefully crafted lie designed to lead us into our new role as serfs on the neo-feudal plantation in the coming green dystopia." — https://ogy.de/5qa8

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Right. It's a kind of "surgical" destruction . . . one neat and strategically-timed plan after another, all funded with our money.

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Besides that there is another aspect only very few are aware of.

In short: the climate bullshit, virus bullshit etc. are all necessary to prevent the world from a fallback into stone age. Read Stefan Wehmeier's great blog:

- Jesus of Nazareth the economist - https://opium-des-volkes.blogspot.com/2021/12/jesus-of-nazareth-economist.html

- Jesus of Nazareth the economist - https://www.swupload.com//data/Jesus-of-Nazareth-the-economist-211111-15Pb.pdf

- The stupidity of using interest money - http://opium-des-volkes.blogspot.com/2021/12/the-stupidity-of-using-interest-money.html

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Why not let the free market solve the issue? As oil reserves dwindle, and gas prices go up, efficient alternatives will naturally emerge. There's no need to pump trillions of tax payers hard earned money in green communism.

Now, black communism is a different beast: a suicidal ideology. Life is carbon based. War on carbon means war on life.

There is definitely a man-made Climate Crisis, but it has nothing to do with so-called greenhouse gases, and everything to do with satellites, balloons and ground stations causing artificial drought by dissolving clouds with EMFs, and of course, other geoengineering techs such as chem-trails:



Best scientific sources to debunk carbon climate action:


Killing me softly with green songs:


Carbon reparations:


Climate deaths:


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>>>>>Why not let the free market solve the issue? As oil reserves dwindle, ....<<<<

The REASON oil reserves dwindle is because the bureaucracy arbitrarily interferes with its development :

"The intended consequence of these [Biden] policies was to create artificial energy scarcity and incentivize alternative fuel producers to enter the marketplace. “If you restrict the supply (of oil and gas), you alter the market and you create a better environment for more sustainable fuels,” New York University professor Max Sarinsky told the Associated Press. This was all part of the plan, to the extent there was a plan.

So, yes, there’s a lot of blame to go around if what Friedman forecasts to be a dark, cold, and scary winter materializes. No small share of that blame should be apportioned out to the central planners who sought to kneecap the existing energy market in favor of an insufficient alternative."



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Watch this episode of Tucker Carlson Network with Dr. Willie Soon:

The Tucker Carlson Encounter: The Truth About Fossil Fuels


Origin of the Oil as Fossil Fuel Hoax:




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USA taught the CCP, UAE, and EU for a century now, how to promote oppressive laws in front while signing deals in back. She reigned, now she falls.

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The Socialists. Luddites , government Supremacists , the fruitcakes, et al , always looking for ways to concentrate power in DC or Davos , for my own good, but of course.


I can buy myself flowers

Write my name in the sand

Talk to myself for hours

Say things you don't understand

I can take myself dancing

And I can hold my own hand

Yeah, I can love me better than you can

Miley Cyrus

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