Communism, and Marxism are Satanic ,transhumanist agendas, devoid of God and Family.

We must wake up and see the truth of these enslaving systems that are infiltrating our society and overtaking our schools and subjugating the young and immpressionable minds that GO TO PUBLIC SCHOOL EVERYDAY, NAMELY our sons , daughters, grandsons and grand daughters. Do not call them males and females as this is a definition trap to take away all the unalienable rights and freedoms granted to us all by our Creator God.

I am man, I am woman is the highest status and these scum called communists will eat dust as soon as we all wake up and claim our rights back as Americans (NOT U.S.CITIZENS who are defined as slaves to communism)

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Unfortunately, our dependence on Big Tech (Smartphones, Appliances, etc) is all tied into our day-to-day life, and there is no escaping it! It is too late unless you can convince billions of people to give up their smartphones and computers! Please let me know how you can do that!

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The filthy rich luciferian psychopaths plotting control of the world are fulfilling scriptural prophesies and they know it. They have hijacked everything that bazillions of dollars can control taking any good idea, wresting control of both sides of the issue and then pitting all of us against each other to distract from their evil ways. Obviously we are fighting a battle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms, but we are in this world to take actions here. First and foremost we pray to the Lord Jesus Christ. After that, each of us must pursue their own calling to bring glory to God. My latest effort is my new word "coincidist", describing people who blame medical harm on coincidence. Coincidism is a filthy thing that goes right along with fascism and communism. We counter coincidism with not only with solid science, but with creativity, humor and love. God is in control. Blessings to all of you, hang in there!


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Killing individualism by collectivism

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“The Great Taking”: How They Can Own It All

By Ellen Brown on Substack

“’You’ll own nothing and be happy’? David Webb has gone through the 50-year history of all the legal constructs that have been put in place to technically enable that to happen.” [Oct 2 interview titled “The Great Taking: Who Really Owns Your Assets?”]

The derivatives bubble has been estimated to exceed one quadrillion dollars (a quadrillion is 1,000 trillion). The entire GDP of the world is estimated at $105 trillion, or 10% of one quadrillion; and the collective wealth of the world is an estimated $360 trillion. Clearly, there is not enough collateral anywhere to satisfy all the derivative claims. The majority of derivatives now involve interest rate swaps, and interest rates have shot up. The bubble looks ready to pop.

Who were the intrepid counterparties signing up to take the other side of these risky derivative bets? Initially, it seems, they were banks –led by four mega-banks, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America. But according to a 2023 book called The Great Taking by veteran hedge fund manager David Rogers Webb, counterparty risk on all of these bets is ultimately assumed by an entity called the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), through its nominee Cede & Co. (See also Greg Morse, “Who Owns America? Cede & DTCC,” and A. Freed, “Who Really Owns Your Money? Part I, The DTCC”). Cede & Co. is now the owner of record of all of our stocks, bonds, digitized securities, mortgages, and more; and it is seriously under-capitalized, holding capital of only $3.5 billion, clearly not enough to satisfy all the potential derivative claims. Webb thinks this is intentional ….


The Great Taking


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The link you give to your new book on Amazon works fine. However I spent some time asking for your book on Amazon by going through Google. Amazon will not deliver the page for your book on a Google search. It brings up another book with a title that starts with "Indoctrinating." Very frustrating. I hope this is a momentary event.

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Recommend you don’t use Google and instead use either DuckDuckGo.com or presearch.com.

I just use Amazon.com to search for authors and book titles:


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Thank you. What a cog in the works Google is!

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It all started with The Wildlands Project:



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