Totally agree with this, Alex, and I have been pointing out some of these same pitfalls to my patriot friends. Thank you for addressing this (again) and making these clear talking points which I will share.

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Indeed! You nailed it!

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Blue states are going to send Representatives to a COS with the goal of abolishing the Constitution and subordinating Americans to the UN.

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Precisely. Unfortunately even some Red states might as well... With GOP leaders like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, etc, who needs Dems?

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So true! Our government can't even follow Our Constitution now and they want to change it? How about having a class just for them, given by a Constitutional Attorney! Their time would be better spent, and Our Country would be better off!!

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Depends on the Constitutional Attorney, but a good idea.

To this day, the left refers to Oblahblah as a Constitutional scholar or some other drivel.

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A Constitutional Convention would be only as mildly horrible as the opening of Pandora's Box if everybody participating- and everybody represented- were roughly on the same page regarding what rights are, how they originate and how they ought be encouraged and protected, those answers being a blessing of free will from GOD, from GOD. and strongly and terminally.

A Constitutional Convention that involved- and represented- the Godless and the worshippers of the world and the "little gods" that have been allowed in America would be a CHIT CHOW that would make Pandora's Box look like the best picnic ever.

If God ain't disposed to continue to bless America, which turned her back on Him, we are screwed.

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Even a 7 year old could figure out that a NEW set of LAWS will not be followed any more than an OLD set of LAWS. They're not following the Constitution (laws) now and the answer some idjits think will fix that is more laws? If laws stopped crime, we'd have no murder, no rape, no theft.

What we need is a nation of "good" MEN who will see to it that bad men are bad only once.

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They do follow the more recent amendments. After Obama served 2 terms there was talk that he would find a way to run a 3rd term. Why didn't he? There is the 22nd amendment that they followed. It takes them many years to twist and change the meaning of the constitution. We still have the Bill of Rights, but we all know after 230 plus years they have been whittling away at those rights. But a new amendment might stand for 50 or 100 years or more. I think that is more than worth the effort. Separation of Church and state (although those words are not in the constitution) was interpreted by the courts to mean Government could not interfere in Churches. It took 150 years for the courts to twist the meaning of that freedom. The point is that an amendment that would restore the constitution to it's original intent would most likely be followed for many years before they twisted it's meaning. Let quit running away from this peaceful constitutional solution. And it is NOT a Constitutional Convention. It's a Convention of the States which is restricted by Article V to ONLY PROPOSE AMENDMENTS TO THIS CONSTITUTION.

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Oh, ok, I didn't know it was restricted.

By whom is it restricted?

How is it restricted?

Was there a restriction last time?

The reason it took so long is because it took so long to corrupt the people.

Now we are starting with corrupt people.


But go ahead, fantasize all you want. That is still free

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For 232 years, gullible Americans have accepted the political battle as that being the struggle to answer in their favor the following question:

“When everyday federal practices CLASH with our founding principles supported by the supreme Law of Land, which side wins?”

Tragically, even amidst ever-escalating losses, it never occurs to us conservatives that we must challenge the underlying premise, rather than continue playing a rigged game.

The question we must instead learn to ask is:

“How may federal practices which APPEAR to clash with our founding principles ever be exercised in such a way that they do not actually clash with the Constitution, so they may thus continue unabated?”

For instance, you write, Alex, “much of the lawless behavior coming from the federal government…is unconstitutional and illegitimate.”

Illegitimate? Surely. (Facially) Unconstitutional? Obviously not (since it continues).

You continue: “The forces responsible for the escalating unconstitutional abuse of America know full well their lawless schemes are not authorized by the charter that created the federal government.”

But, yes, THEY ARE AUTHORIZED (permissible), simply not for the whole country (directly).

Americans simply haven’t learned just how devious are our political adversaries.

While all the normal powers of the U.S. Constitution may be described as “Little Powers” (“little” as in “expressly enumerated,” not that they are inconsequential) that may be directly implemented in the “Big Implementation Area” (the whole country), those cases do not foreclose the special “Big Powers” that Congress may implement in special “Little Implementation Areas” (D.C., and exclusive legislation forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards and other needful buildings).

All the scoundrels are doing is trying to extend the special “Big Powers” that members of Congress may exercise (according to Art. I, Sect. 8, Cl. 17) in D.C. (the special “Little Implementation Areas”) and substitute for the “Little Powers” that they may directly exercise in the “Big Implementation Area.”

But, thankfully, the U.S. Constitution never authorizes the direct extension of Big Powers into the Big Implementation Area, even as it is currently worded, does not expressly prohibit their indirect extension there, if we Americans don’t stop being so wrong (and stop arguing incorrectly, that Congress may never do X, Y, or Z [only that they cannot do that, where they are doing it ]).

Yes, our political opponents are chomping at the bit to change the Constitution—or even trash it—and forever burn the bridge that could lead the United States back to the liberty, prosperity, and peace made possible by that precious Constitution for well over two centuries.

Our opponents seek to destroy society to get all political sides to agree that “the Constitution isn’t working” so they can get us to agree to repeal it and start all over.

The government does, necessarily, “obey the Constitution,” as their sworn oaths require, and which federal servants are powerless to change.

Federal servants must always “obey the Constitution”--but the Constitution as currently worded does allow federal servants to do as they please in D.C.

Indeed, D.C. has no State, State-like or District Constitution guiding and directing Congress in the exercise of their exclusive legislation powers, that are elsewhere expounding in State Constitutions, for State legislatures.

Thus, members of Congress must make up all their exclusive legislation parameters, as they go along. And, since there isn’t legislative representation in D.C. (only “States” select U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators), then members may freely delegate their exclusive legislation powers to alphabet agency federal bureaucrats, and judges may there freely “legislate from the bench.”

“The reason the nation is so out of control today is not some defect in the Constitution.”

“Defect”—perhaps not. But “loophole,” nonetheless. The real problem of “not being obeyed” is because it’s not being referenced, because the Constitution was never meant to limit Congress working exclusively in D.C.

There thankfully is indeed a silver bullet. An educated populace needn’t even resort to elections to rectify it, as voting and elections—Democracy—won’t ever enforce our Republican Form of Government, of enumerated powers, exercised using only necessary and proper means.

We close the loophole, by pulling back the curtain and exposing the fraud of extending the highly unusual case beyond exclusive legislation boundaries.

“The path to restoring American and the rule of law begins with education” properly oriented at the single political problem Americans face federally, which is how members of Congress and federal officials are able to bypass or ignore their normal constitutional parameters with impunity.”

They do that by extending the highly-unusual exception beyond allowable boundaries, because patriots incorrectly argue that the scoundrels can never even ignore normal constitutional parameters, even in special places, which is utterly wrong.

Which is why I am starting my LearnTheConstitutionInOneYear.com membership class in January, to educate Americans to cast off The Make-Believe Rule of Paper Tyrants, before they get us to repeal the Constitution, and become real tyrants, with unlimited powers.

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My writings on Substack offer an alternative path back to constitutional government. I’m trying to propose a new superstructure to circumvent the power of the duopoly and create an innovative space for those Madison and Washington types to rise up and lead free from the corrupt, entrenched interests now ruling the parties.

Come and read The Common Sense Papers to get your modern fix of Thomas Paine!

It’s time to reboot government of, by, and for the People, with liberty and dignity for all.

Thanks for sharing your views!

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Are You Fool Enough to Support the Bankers’ “Convention of the States”?


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There’s Only One Thing Wrong with the Convention of States — It’s No Damn Good


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It is restricted by Article V. By last time, I think you would be refering to the Constitutional Convention.

It was not restricted by Article V because we didn't have Article V at the time. However like everyother state convention that we have records of (over 40) it was called by the states with a certain purpose which it adhered to. That purpose was "... to render the Constitution of the federal government adequate to the exigencies of the Union;..." as stated in The Federalist Papers # 40. What I have stated is not fantasy. It is factual and documented. I would agree there are many corrupt people, but they still follow the most recent amendments such as not allowing Obama to run a 3rd term. I also know many good freedom loving conservatives who need to step up in the states and reign in the corrupt federal government. This is one of the important checks the founders placed in the constitution for states to correct the federal government. It is a peaceful constitutional method in an inspired document. But let's don't use it. Let's keep trying to elect good people to send to D.C. and expect D. C. to correct themselves. D. C. is pretty much hopeless. The states have the responsibility to step up and use the constitution as intended.

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