Make sense to take children out of schools which damage them. I have heard so many parents talk about the frustration of trying to reach brainwashed children. Why let them be brainwashed.

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Oct 10Liked by Alex Newman

Come Lord Jesus Come

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Very good news! Thanks for this report.

Trump says he will get rid of the Dept of Education…certainly a step in the right direction.

This exodus from public schools is a loud and growing louder statement against the progressive liberal agenda of the dumbing down of our students…to say nothing of the attack against good moral values.

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Oct 10Liked by Alex Newman

Yet MORE great work by Newman!

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Thank you!

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We are living in dark days. Tens of millions invaders, some mortal enemies. Soulless Cretans in charge. VILE hatred of the HOLYLAND. Thousands of citizens in dire need refused hard earned FEMA benefits. Heavy Prayers needed. 2 Chronicles 7:14

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But if half remain in the public school system, that means that half of the children still will be taught to hate their country and hate themselves and their families. No other country in the world does this. That half will continue to be exposed to perversion. Minority children will continue to be taught that they are victims who are dependent on government. Their resentment will continue to be cultivated. As challenging and as ugly as it will be, the public education system still needs to be taken on and reformed. Eliminating the federal Department of Education and returning schools to local control would be a good start.

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The problem with homeschooling today is that many, certainly not all , parents who homeschool their children are. extremely conservative evangelical Christians who use homeschooling to indoctrinate their children with. fundamentalist. Christian dogma .

They indoctrinate their children. in. young earth creationism , which is unbelievably stupid of them . Those unfortunate youngsters are brought up to believe the earth is only about 6,000 years old and. that Genesis is an absolutely truthful record of how the earth began .

They are taught that Adam & Eve, a garden of Eden , a talking snake and forbidden fruit actually existed and that. because Eve ate the forbidden fruit , and later mankind was destroyed by a. huge flood . They are taught that Noah and his family alone were saved by God because they were the only good people at the time, and that Noah actually got two of every animal species onhis imaginary ark and all that blind, superstitious nonsense .

Teaching youngsters that. Adam and Eve, a talking snake , Noah and his ark actually existed and. that the Lord made Eve out of one of Adams rib etc is like teaching them that Santa Claus and. the Tooth Fairy are real . As well as to teach them that evolution is nothing but a hoax. created to. turn. people into “Godless atheists and communists “ etc .

This kind of indoctrination in. the literal truth of the Bible and. telling them that everything the Bible says is the gospel truth. handicaps them mentally. and. blinds them to scientific facts . And furthermore, there is absolutely no conflict with. evolution and. being a. Christian who believes in a God . The Catholic church. acknowledges. the scientific. truth of evolution and Pope Francis is a trained scientist .

And unfortunately , the minds of. so many evangelical Christians in America are still stuck in the bronze age , the time when the Old Testament was written by primitive middle eastern tribesmen who.believed in an imaginary. bronze age Semitic sky god named Yahweh , who demanded unquestioning. obedience and. worship and who supposedly hated. homosexuals etc.

But we are living in the 21st century today , the digital age and. the age of artificial intelligence . It’s appalling that the minds of so many Americans are still stuck in the bronze age - including children and teenagers .

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