How to Unite and Heal America: Rein in the Government
The remedy for America heading into 2024 is simple: Limit the power and scope of government. How do we do it? Alex Newman provides the answer.
Originally published in GEORGE Magazine
By Alex Newman
The 2024 election is the MOST important in American history, they say. Even a year out from the election, no doubt you have already heard the phrase countless times. Liberals and conservatives, Republicans and Democrats, have been saying it ad nauseum for months. You will hear it many more times before the election comes around.
You undoubtedly heard the same thing about the 2020 election. And the 2016 election before that. Assuming the nation hobbles along for another four years, you will hear it about the 2028 election, too. And the next one after that will be the same hysteria all over again, if America is still standing. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Surely, they cannot all be the most important election in history, right? As a matter of fact, it is true: By almost every objective measure, each election becomes more important than the last one. The reason for that is simple: Every year, the government gets bigger and more powerful. And every year, the government spends more money than it spent the previous year.
That ongoing growth in the size and scope of government means that with each passing year, there is ever more money and power at stake when it comes to who wins the election. More money and spoils will be doled out to members of the winning coalition and their cronies. And growing government power will increasingly be wielded against the losing side. As such, the next election becomes more important than the previous one as the stakes get higher and higher.
Today, the federal government spends well over $6 trillion annually. When combined with the trillions in additional spending of state and local governments, almost half of all the wealth produced by Americans each year is being sucked up and doled out by the government. Put another way, that means working Americans are spending about half of their time toiling away for the government, often more in high-tax states.
Consider how rapidly this spending has exploded, too. In 1900, the federal government spent around 2.5 percent of GDP. Today, it is more than ten times that amount, with the feds spending about $20,000 per man, woman, and child in the United States. Those numbers are continuing to balloon as the national debt and unfunded liabilities are now measured in the hundreds of trillions. State and local governments have been spending more and more money, too.
Clearly, this trend is unsustainable. If present trends continue, government will bankrupt the nation and consume virtually everything produced by the American people in the not-too-distant future. In light of this, each election is increasingly becoming an existential threat to a huge segment of the American population.
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COP28 ‘Climate’ Summit Review: End Energy (in US), Global Tax, War on Humanity
The United Nations’ 28th annual Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai has come to a close, and the verdict is in: no fossil fuels, meat, or carbon emissions. What is the consequence for Americans as a result? The answer, argues Alex Newman, a decorated journalist and host of the Sentinel Report, is the loss of individual and national sovereignty.
In addition to crazy talks such as “climate reparations” for poor nations, global taxes, and eating bugs as an alternative to meat, the United Nations is blatantly boasting the inevitability of their success by displaying banners that state “the transformation is unstoppable.” Is it unstoppable? If Americans would get up off the couch and fight for freedom, it could be stopped. Will you fight back?
Click HERE to watch the episode.
Red Pill Expo: June 15th & 16th, 2024 ~ Rapid City, South Dakota
Red Pill Expo is the major public event of Red Pill University, founded by G. Edward Griffin, author of numerous books and documentary films including the famous exposé of the Federal Reserve, The Creature from Jekyll Island.
Past speakers include Alex Newman, Alex Jones, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dan Happel, and more!
Click HERE to register for the 2024 Red Pill Expo and use promocode NEWMAN at checkout to save!
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Unfortunately, elections will not make a difference; we have a rogue government that has drawn its "line in the sand" with both parties in on it together, letting the people know it's us (The government) against them (the people); as long as we keep feeding the "monster" through our tax dollars, they will keep taking it and disbursing it to their special interest groups and donors. We, the people, will keep buying into the theatrics and believe that we have a fair government until we wake up one day with nothing but government control of a once great nation! They, use, and weaponize every alphabet agency to take control, including elections. I predicted as far back as 2018 that the Democrats were going to cheat in the 2020 election and that President Trump would not be reelected, and I predict this year they will try to usher in and cheat by installing Gavin "Gruesome" Newsom. He will appoint Michele Obama as Vice President, they will cheat so much in 2024 that they will make the 2020 election look like a fair election. They used J6 as the precursor to set an example that if you protest verbally and physically in any future election outcomes, that you will be locked up and placed in a dungeon in D.C. (again used intimidation and the law to their advantage without any boundaries) The most important thing to do in this day and age is to get right with God and repent; change takes place from the inside!
All that is needed is for the population to demand that the national accounts be accurately kept; i.e., that productivity is continuously made available to the people by filling the growing gap between total costs and total incomes. The constant shortfall of income is what keeps the bankers and their subordinates (e.g., government) in a position of control.