Federal Land Grab: Biden’s Plan to Nab 30% of America’s Land by 2030
The feds are trying to snatch up American property at an alarming rate, but you can help stop it before it's too late.
“Buy land,” Mark Twain suggested, “they’re not making it anymore.” This advice might become nearly impossible to follow come 2030 as the Biden administration pursues a new “30×30” plan to obtain 30% of America’s land—roughly 440 million acres—into the hands of the feds for “preservation” purposes by the year 2030.
This plan, however, does not end at 30%, said Sid Miller, Texas’ Agricultural Commissioner, on Alex Newman’s The Sentinel Report. “They would like to take 50% of our land out of production by the year 2050.”
“Now, this is not something that is just isolated to the United States,” continued Miller, a decorated rodeo cowboy and businessman. “It’s a global agenda. The European Parliament has already voted to do that.”
In addition to the Communist Chinese rapidly buying up American farmland and corrupt goliath-like corporations such as BlackRock snatching up residential properties, it is hard to imagine a future where the average American family could acquire land or even a simple home in the very near future.
So why do the federal government and foreign influences want to obtain mass volumes of American property? Commissioner Miller argues that part of the agenda is to slowdown, curb, and regulate food production to “control the global population.”
Ulitmately, through fake crusades like “climate” change, global elitists want Americans to eat bugs rather than meat, phase out fossil fuels, and slowly eradicate all carbon emissions to aid the rise of a global one-world government, warned Miller, who formerly served in the Texas State House.
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Merry CHRISTmas!
-Alex Newman
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Thank you Alex for doing God's Will in work and family! I was privileged to hug you at the Ozark conference. Glad you gave Mr. Page a forum. It encouraged me, for I've been hesitant to develop a western herbal medicine curriculum for children in this culture of uncertainty. The emphasis is on Independence from government funded 3-letter orgs and dependence on God's Creation while we're here, doing His Will. A blessed Christ's-birth celebration to all, Family!
The 30x30 Land Grab is part of the Wildlands Project that evolved into UN Agenda 21.